IKIP Surabaya has officially become an educational institution that produces educational staff since December 19, 1964 based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 269 of 1965. Ratified the establishment of a State Institute in Surabaya as referred to in the Decree of the Minister of Higher Education and Science Number 182 of 1964 dated December 24, 1964 The Institute's “FIRST” sub at the present time consists of:

1. Faculty of Education.

2. Faculty of Social Sciences Teacher Training.

3. Faculty of Arts and Literature Teacher Training.

4. Teaching Faculty of Exact Sciences.

5. Faculty of Engineering Teacher Training.

IKIP  Surabaya  turned  into  Universitas  Negeri  Surabaya  (Unesa)  based  on  SK Presiden R.I. nomor 93/1999 dated August 4, 1999 by managing six faculties, namely:

1. Faculty of Education.

2. Faculty of Language and Literature.

3. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

4. Faculty of Social Sciences.

5. Faculty of Engineering.

6. Faculty of Sports Science.

7. Faculty of Economy and business

8. Vacational program

Currently, Unesa manages 63 study programs, both educational and non-educational, with diploma, undergraduate, and postgraduate levels consisting of undergraduate and doctor. Because Unesa's journey cannot be separated from IKIP Surabaya, Unesa's birthday still uses Surabaya IKIP's anniversary.