1. Organizing learner-centred education and learning by using an effective learning approach and optimizing the use of technology.

2. Conducting research in educational sciences, natural sciences, socio-cultural sciences, arts, and/or sports, and developing technology whose findings are beneficial for the development of science and public welfare.

3. Disseminate science, technology, arts, culture and sports, as well as research results through community service activities that are oriented towards community empowerment and culture.

4. Realizing Unesa as an educational center, especially primary and secondary education as well as a scientific center based on the noble values of national culture.

5. Organizing an autonomous, accountable, and transparent university meeting that ensures quality and continuous quality improvement.


1. Produce graduates who are intelligent, religious, noble, independent, professional, and have advantages;
2. Produce scientific works and creative works, both in the field of education and science that are superior and become references in the application of science and/or technology;
3. Produce works of community service through the application of science and/or technology to create an independent, productive, and prosperous society;
4. Realizing Unesa as an educational center and a scientific center based on the noble values of national culture;
5. To produce effective and efficient institutional performance by creating a humanistic  academic  climate,  transparent,  accountable,  responsive,  and  fair
institutional management to ensure the quality of the implementation of the tridharma of higher education in a sustainable manner.